On Sunday, December 22, 2013 5:02:51 PM UTC-6, Mark Lawrence wrote:
> On 22/12/2013 22:51, Chris Angelico wrote:

> if a() == 0:
>      if b() == 0:
>          c()
> I can only see one way that you can possibly intepret it.

Hmm, I guess i should not assume color vision to be ubiquitous.

> [snip]

The level of abstraction of that code sample is so high that
no one should assume anything from reading it. The only fact
we CAN be sure of is that IF a() equals 0 and b() equals 0
then c will execute. But that fact gives us no insight into
Frank's *real* source code, not to mention his mind.

Sure. We always want folks to trim example code to it's most
relevant parts before presenting the code on this list, but
just as ten thousands lines of code is useless, so too is 4
lines. It's not the number of lines that matter so much as
the context those line provide to the problem at hand.

If you take the small code example literally, then why does
Frank even need to ask a question about what will happen
when he could simply run the code and observe the results.

Here is the most simplified example of Franks code:

    if 0 == 0:
        if 0 == 0:

This code is so *confined* as to be useless for
generalities. In fact, the only reason to ask a question
about such simplified code is to understand the execution
rules OR syntax of Python source code. Here are some
concrete facts about those three lines:

    1. test one will ALWAYS eval true, and proceed to test two

    2. test two will ALWAYS eval true, then execute "do_something"

    3. what happens after that is undefined

These are fundamental behaviors of Python conditionals,
operators, callables, etc... which we *already* understand
quite completely. But these fundamentals will not help us
understand Frank's problem.

    What we need is help Frank is *CONTEXT*.

Now, even though Frank's code offers a small increment in
complexity over my simplified form, it offers *zero*
context of that complexity:

    1. test one will evaluate true or false, then proceed (or
    not, depending on the return value of "a") to test two

    2. test two will evaluate true or false, then proceed (or
    not, depending on the return value of "b") to execute the

    3. What happens in a, b, and c is undefined.

The problem is we have no idea what happens in a,b,and c...
but those facts may not matter, what does matter is what a
return value of zero *means* to Frank, and without an
understanding of these "Frank semantics", how could we
possibly extrapolate a solution to such ambiguous questions?

You see, there exist no rules in Python for what a return
value of 0 should mean. Should it mean "success"? Should it
mean "failure"? Should it mean "eat pasta quickly"? Well it
could mean all those things to different people.

Since function return values are defined by programmers,
*ONLY* the programmer himself-- or those familiar with the
entire code base --can resolve the ambiguities with any
degree of precision.

Even IF you are presented with a small snippet of code that
include the identifier for the return value, you still
cannot be certain that extrapolating meaning from an
identifier *alone* will give you the insight to remove all

For example, let's say the return value is "proceed" and
attached to name spelled "flag". Do you really think you can
extrapolate the purpose of that value being returned?

"proceed" with what?

    Proceed counting unicorns?
    Proceed raising exceptions?
    Proceed extrapolating to infinity and beyond?!

You can guess, but that is all. Which brings us full circle
to the problem at hand.

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