On Wed, Dec 25, 2013 at 11:24 PM, Jason Friedman <jsf80...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Could you keep track of success?
> result_dict = dict()
> for id in taxid_list:
>     result_dict[id] = False
> while not all(result_dict.values()): # continue if not every ID was
> successful
>     for id in taxid_list:
>         if result_dict[id]:
>             continue # We were already successful with this ID
>         try:
>             this_result = get_BLAST(id)
>             result_dict[id] = True
>         except:
>             print("A warning.")

Thanks for your response.​
Would this not keep requesting/submitting additional (duplicate) BLAST

>  try:
>             this_result = get_BLAST(id)
>             result_dict[id] = True

​It seems like I need to use threading, and there appears to be no way to
know if NCBIWWW.qblast is still waiting on results. It will either give a
result or possibly produce and error I suppose if the for example I lost
the connection to the internet but I am not really sure about that.

That said after some more research I found this tread.

Vincent Davis

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