On 28 December 2013 15:16, Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:

> I don't care about the Olympians. Their presence in Russia is voluntary,
> and so long as they keep it in their pants for a few weeks (or at least
> don't get caught) they get to go home again a few weeks later. Have a
> thought for those who don't get to go home again. I'm talking about the
> situation in Russia, where the government is engaging in 1930s-style
> scape-goating and oppression of homosexuals. They haven't quite reached
> the level of Kristallnacht or concentration camps, but the rhetoric and
> laws coming out of the Kremlin are just like that coming out of the
> Reichstag in the thirties.

You are of course correct - I was still groggy from waking up when I
replied, and focused on the element that I had been most exposed to.

Tim Delaney

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