On 30/12/2013 18:43, rpuc...@cox.net wrote:
Hi I just joined this list and have a question.I have python 3.3.3 and
running it on a windows 7 computer.Python has been running good until
recently.I can bring up python shell,but when I go to run a recently
loaded program,the code comes up briefly on the screen and then
disappears.Python just quits and then I have to start over.Can someone
tell me what is happening?I’m new to python and am just learning.Thanks

Hi, welcome to Python.

This is a common question and has been answered quite a few times on this list, including quite recently. However, I can't for the life of me find an example of such an answer in the archives! (Someone's sure to help me out here).

In short, you'd do better to start up a console window (using Start > Run > cmd.exe or any other way you choose). You can then cd to the directory your code is in, and run the programs that way. The thing is that, if your program looks like this:

import sys

print("Hello, World!)
print("I'm running Python version ", sys.version)


then, when you double-click, your program will run in a console window, print its brief output, and exit, all before you've really noticed what's going on!

Have a look here:


and here:


for some amount of help.


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