Good evening, I am a complete noob at Python. I am attempting to create a key and update its value. The code below is what I have come up with after reading everything I can get my hands on.
When I run the this code I get an error that says the 'int' can't be called. I appreciate your help import _winreg as wr aReg = wr.ConnectRegistry(None, wr.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) targ = r'SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Update' aKey = wr.OpenKey(aReg, targ, 0, wr.KEY_WRITE) wr.KEY_SET_VALUE(aKey,"DisableAutoUpdateChecksCheckboxValue", 1, wr.REG_DWORD) wr.CloseKey(aKey) wr.CloseKey(aReg) I appreciate your help John