On 1/2/2014 11:49 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Robin Becker wrote:

For fairly sensible reasons we changed the internal default to use unicode
rather than bytes. After doing all that and making the tests compatible
etc etc I have a version which runs in both and passes all its tests.
However, for whatever reason the python 3.3 version runs slower

"For whatever reason" is right, unfortunately there's no real way to tell
from the limited information you give what that might be.

Are you comparing a 2.7 "wide" or "narrow" build? Do your tests use any
so-called "astral characters" (characters in the Supplementary Multilingual
Planes, i.e. characters with ord() > 0xFFFF)?

If I remember correctly, some early alpha(?) versions of Python 3.3
consistently ran Unicode operations a small but measurable amount slower
than 3.2 or 2.7. That especially effected Windows. But I understand that
this was sped up in the release version of 3.3.

There was more speedup in 3.3.2 and possibly even more in 3.3.3, so OP should run the latter.

Terry Jan Reedy


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