unmoderated group pt.comp.lang.python

This is a formal Request for Discussion (RFD) for the creation of the 
unmoderated newsgroup pt.comp.lang.python. 


pt.comp.lang.python       Portuguese version of comp.lang.python newsgroup


Portuguese is the seventh most spoken language in the world with around 215 
million native speakers in all continents, and the third most spoken in Europe. 
Python is taught in most universities from Angola to Brazil, not only in 
Computer Science  (CS) courses but mostly in biological sciences (e.g., 
biopython is used to teach genome and proteome sequence analysis),  earth 
sciences (python is widely used as a scripting language in open source GIS 
software), statistics (numpy, pandas), etc. The focus of most courses outside 
CS is neither on developing programming skills nor on python as a language, 
resulting in huge deficiencies in python programming, and many questions remain 
unanswered. This is more so in developing countries such as Mozambique, 
Guinea-Bissau, Cape verde, etc. where the english language is neither well 
spoken nor read. For those reasons, I propose the creation of the 
pt.comp.lang.python newsgroup, similar to it.comp.lang.python, 
es.comp.lang.python or de.comp.lang.python.


The newsgroup pt.comp.lang.python is intended for general discussions and 
questions about Python with some flexibility for more general programming 
topics (e.g. software design) all using the Portuguese language.

Posters to this newsgroup are asked to refrain from harrassment, personal 
attacks, and disruptive communication. Articles containing binary computer 
files including, but not limited to, programs or images, are forbidden. HTML 
posts are discouraged. 

Users should exercise their best judgement and use consideration for the 
copyright laws of their country. If in doubt, ask. 


For more information on the newsgroup creation process, please see: 

Those who wish to influence the development of this RFD and its 
final resolution should subscribe to news.groups.proposals and 
participate in the relevant threads in that newsgroup.  This is both 
a courtesy to groups in which discussion of creating a new group is 
off-topic as well as the best method of making sure that one's 
comments or criticisms are heard. 

All discussion of active proposals should be posted to 

To this end, the followup header of this RFD has been set to 

If desired by the readership of closely affected groups, the 
discussion may be crossposted to those groups, but care must be 
taken to ensure that all discussion appears in news.groups.proposals 
as well. 

We urge those who would like to read or post in the proposed 
newsgroup to make a comment to that effect in this thread; we ask 
proponents to keep a list of such positive posts with the relevant 
message ID. 

Such lists of positive feedback for the proposal may constitute good 
evidence that the group will be well-used if it is created. 


This document has been posted to the following newsgroups: 



César Ribeiro <>

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