On 2014-01-11, pintreo mardi <bigearl...@outlook.com> wrote:

> Hi, I've just begun to learn programming, I have an open question for
> the group: Is the Python language an all in one computer language
> which could replace C, C++, Java etc..

No.  Python can not replace C in a number of application areas:

 * Bare-metal applications without an OS.

 * Low-resource applications with limited memory (like a few KB).

 * Device driver and kernel modules for OSes like Linux, Unix, (and,
   AFAIK, Windows).

 * Computationally intensive applications where there isn't a library
   available written C or FORTRAN to do the heavy lifting.

For general application programming on a server or PC, then Python can
replace many/most uses of C/C++/Java.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Look into my eyes and
                                  at               try to forget that you have
                              gmail.com            a Macy's charge card!

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