Wrote in message:
> First let me say I have not done much python programming!
> I am running Python 2.7.3.
> I am trying to use python as a front end to a simple oscilloscope.
> Ultimately I intend to use it with my micropython board.
> At the moment I am just developing it. All it does is use a module I found 
> called to create a window and display randomly generated data.
> Each time it goes through the outer loop it gets slower and slower.
> I put in a small delay just so I could observe what is happening and for the 
> first line it draws it takes about a second. If I set it to loop 20 times the 
> final loop takes more than 6 seconds.
> Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong please?
> Here is the code:
> [code]
> #!/usr/bin/python
> from graphics import *

First things first. what operating system are you using,  and
 where did you get the mysterious graphics. py?  Thanks for
 telling us python 2.7.3

Next, please repost any source code with indentation preserved. 
 Your message shows it all flushed to the left margin,  probably
 due to posting in html mode. Use text mode here.

Finally,  since you seem to be using googlegroups,  please make
 sure you don't double space your quotes. See.



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