Em 13-01-2014 08:58, Peter Otten escreveu:
> Peter Otten wrote:
>> Paulo da Silva wrote:
>>> Em 12-01-2014 20:29, Peter Otten escreveu:
>>>> Paulo da Silva wrote:
>>>>>> but I have not tried it myself. Also, some bytes may need to be
>>>>>> escaped, either to be understood by the shell, or to address security
>>>>>> concerns:
>>>>> Since I am puting the file names between "", the only char that needs
>>>>> to be escaped is the " itself.
>>>> What about the escape char?
>>> Just this fn=fn.replace('"','\\"')
>>> So far I didn't find any problem, but the script is still running.
>> To be a bit more explicit:
>>>>> for filename in os.listdir():
>> ...     print(template.replace("<fn>", filename.replace('"', '\\"')))
>> ...
>> ls "\\"; rm whatever; ls \"
> The complete session:
>>>> import os
>>>> template = 'ls "<fn>"'
>>>> with open('\\"; rm whatever; ls \\', "w") as f: pass
> ... 
>>>> for filename in os.listdir():
> ...     print(template.replace("<fn>", filename.replace('"', '\\"')))
> ... 
> ls "\\"; rm whatever; ls \"
> Shell variable substitution is another problem. c.l.py is probably not the 
> best place to get the complete list of possibilities.
I see what you mean.
This is a tedious problem. Don't know if there is a simple solution in
python for this. I have to think about it ...
On a more general and serious application I would not produce a bash
script. I would do all the work in python.

That's not the case, however. This is a few times execution script for a
very special purpose. The only problem was the occurrence of some
Portuguese characters in old filenames encoded in another code than
utf-8. Very few also include the ".

The worst thing that could happen was the bash script to abort. Then it
would be easy to fix it using a simple editor.


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