On Tue, 14 Jan 2014 00:46:56 -0800, Igor Korot wrote:

> Hi, ALL,
> I'm trying to process a file which has following lines:
> > ICMP echo request, id 100, seq 200, length 30
> (this is the text file out of tcpdump)
> Now I can esily split the line twice: once by ':' symbol to separate
> address and the protocol information and the second time by ',' to get
> information about the protocol.
> However, I don't need all the protocol info. All I'm interested in is
> the last field, which is length.
> Is there a way to write something like this:
> for data in f:
>      (address,traffic) = string.split(data, ':')
>      length = string.split(traffic, ',')[3]
> I'm interesred in only one element, so why should care about everything
> else?
> This can be easily done in Perl, but I'm stuck with Python now. ;-)
> Thank you.

Am I missing something obvious here?
just split on ','

field [0] will contain a mix of data but who cares? you don't want it 
anyway (you can always process it again afterwards.

>>> a=' > ICMP echo request, id 100, seq 200, 
length 30'
>>> data=a.split(',')
>>> data
[' > ICMP echo request', ' id 100', ' seq 200', ' 
length 30']
>>> data[3]
' length 30'

It's not against any religion to want to dispose of a pigeon.
                -- Tom Lehrer, "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park"

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