On Sunday, January 19, 2014 10:29:58 AM UTC+5:30, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Rustom Mody wrote:
> > Because these two pieces of code
> >>>> def foo(x): print x+1
> >>>> def bar(x): return x+1
> > look identical (to a beginner at least)
> >>>> foo(3)
> > 4
> >>>> bar(3)
> > 4

> As do these pieces of code:

> >>> def quux1(x): return str(x+1)
> >>> def quux2(x): return hex(x+1)[2:]

They do? 

>>> quux1(2.3)

>>> quux2(2.3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in quux2
TypeError: hex() argument can't be converted to hex

If you want to give an irrelevant example at least give a correct one :D
the difference between str and hex is an arcane difference (Ive never used hex)
the difference between functions and procedures is absolutely basic.

And python is worse than not just academic languages like haskell in this
respect but even worse than C/Pascal etc.

In Pascal, the difference between procedure and function is
fundamental to the lang and is key to Pascal being good for academic

In C, the difference is not so well marked but at least trivial
code-examples found in books/the net wont run straight-off without
some main-printf-etc boiler-plate.

In python lots of easy to check examples run straight off --
convenient for programmers of course but a headache for teachers who
are trying to set habits of minimal hygiene

> But we don't decry hex or str because of it. Every function has its
> use and purpose. If someone uses the wrong tool for the job, s/he will
> have to figure that out at some point - it doesn't mean the tool is
> wrong.

> If you're not using the REPL, print is critical. Don't assume everyone
> uses interactive mode.

"Everyone uses interactive mode" is of course an unreasonable assumption
"Everyone needs to learn (something or other at some time or other)" is not

And print (especially in python) screws up the learning-curve

You are wearing 'professional programmer' hat
I am wearing 'teacher' hat
Not sure what hat Roy or Steven are wearing 

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