2014/1/21 CM <cmpyt...@gmail.com>:
> I've been learning and using Python for a number of years now but never 
> really go particularly disciplined about all good coding practices.  I've 
> definitely learned *some*, but I'm hoping this year to take a good step up in 
> terms of refactoring, maintainability, and mostly just "de-spaghettizing" my 
> approach to writing Python programs.

It's not really a problem of Python, you just want to learn more about
OO principles and good design practices, and about that there are
hundreds of good books to read!

> A few specific questions in this area...
> 1) One of my main "spaghetti problems" is something I don't know what to ever 
> call.  Basically it is that I sometimes have a "chain" of functions or 
> objects that get called in some order and these functions may live in 
> different modules and the flow of information may jump around quite a bit, 
> sometimes through 4-5 different parts of the code, and along the way 
> variables get modified (and those variables might be child objects of the 
> whole class, or they may just be objects that exist only within functions' 
> namespaces, or both).  This is hard to debug and maintain.  What would people 
> recommend to manage this?  A system of notes?  A way to simplify the flow?  
> And what is this problem called (if something other than just spaghetti code) 
> so I can Google more about it?

Just define clearly objects and methods and how they interact with
each other in a logic way, and you won't have this problem anymore.

> 2) A related question:  Often I find there are two ways to update the value 
> of an object, and I don't know what's best in which circumstances... To begin 
> to explain, let's say the code is within a class that represents a Frame 
> object in a GUI, like wxPython.  Now let's say ALL the code is within this 
> wxFrame class object.  So, any object that is named with "self." prepended, 
> like self.panel, or self.current_customer, or self.current_date, will be a 
> child object of that frame class, and therefore is sort of "global" to the 
> whole frame's namespace and can therefore be accessed from within any 
> function in the class. So let's say I have a function called 
> self.GetCurrentCustomer().  To actually get the name of the current customer 
> into RAM, it goes into the database and uses some rule to get the current 
> customer.  NOW, the question is, which of these should I do?  This:
>       def GetCurrentCustomer(self):
>           self.current_customer = #do some database stuff here....
> Or this:
>       def GetCurrentCustomer(self):
>           current_customer = #do some database stuff here....
>           return current_customer
> And what difference does it make?  In the first case, I am just updating the 
> "global" object of the current_customer, so that any function can then use 
> it.  In the second case, I am only returning the current_customer to whatever 
> function(s) call this GetCurrentCustomer() function.

GetCurrentCustomer should be really get_current_customer if you don't
want people screaming at you.
And about the question it depends, is the database stuff going to be expensive?
Do you need to have always a new value?

And by the way  if you're never actually using "self" in a method
maybe it should be a function, or at least a classmethod instead.

> My hunch is the first way leads to spaghetti problems.  But I want to 
> understand what the best practices are in this regard. I have found in some 
> cases the first method seemed handy, but I'm not sure what the best way of 
> thinking about this is.
> 3) Generally, what are other tools or approaches you would use to organize 
> well a good-sized project so to avoid fighting yourself later when you don't 
> understand your own code and the flow of information through it?  By good 
> sized, say about 20,000 lines of Python code, or something like that.

Good architecture and some meaningful directory structure is good
enough, to navigate Emacs + ack and I'm already very productive even
with bigger projects than that.

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