On Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:15:32 PM UTC+5:30, Kevin Glover wrote:
> Hi

> I have downloaded and unzipped the xml dump of Wikipedia (40+GB). I want to 
> use Python and the SAX module (running under Windows 7) to carry out off-line 
> phrase-searches of Wikipedia and to return a count of the number of hits for 
> each search. Typical phrase-searches might be "of the dog" and "dog's".

> I have some limited prior programming experience (from many years ago) and I 
> am currently learning Python from a course of YouTube tutorials. Before I get 
> much further, I wanted to ask:

> Is what I am trying to do actually feasible?

Cant really visualize what youve got...
When you 'download' wikipedia what do you get?
One 40GB file?
A zillion files?
Some other database format?

Another point:
sax is painful to use compared to full lxml (dom)
But then sax is the only choice when files cross a certain size
Thats why the above question

Also you may want to explore nltk

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