On 30/01/2014 14:03, loial wrote:
> Ok, that works fine with the apth hard coded, but I want to do something like 
> the code below. i.e I am trying to dynamically add a path that is relative to 
> the path of the current executing python script.
> In this case the import fails.
> import sys
> import os
> from os.path import *
> scriptpath=os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
> otherscriptspath=printerpath.replace("scripts","otherscripts")
> sys.path.append(otherscriptspath)
> from AuditUpdate import *

Well, adding a path to sys.path and then importing is generally
considered a safe bet. So it's more likely that somewhere inside your
path manipulation something's going wrong.

You've presumably not cut-and-pasted that code from the console (since
you've got an undefined "printerparth" on the 6th line). But why not
scatter some print()s and os.listdir()s around, eg:

import os, sys



otherscriptpath = scriptpath.replace("xxx", "yyy")

... and so on. Somewhere in there, I imagine something won't be as you
expect. Feel free to come back here if you need more help.


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