On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 1:08 PM, Dave Angel <da...@davea.name> wrote:
>  Rotwang <sg...@hotmail.co.uk> Wrote in message:
>> Really? I take advantage of it quite a lot. For example, I do things
>> like this:
>> 'You have scored %i point%s' % (score, 's'*(score != 1))
> I also did that kind of thing when computer resources
> were more
>  precious the program readability.  Like in 73 when my satellite
>  navigation system had to fit in 2k code and 1.5k
>  data.
> Here I'd probably do something like
> 'You have scored {} {}' .format (score, 'point' if score==1 else
>  'points')

Of course if you're at all concerned about i18n then the proper way to
do it would be:

ngettext("You have scored %d point", "You have scored %d points", score) % score

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