Also, can any of you reccommend sites that may have little “projects” that I 
could work on to help me learn python better?  

On Jan 31, 2014, at 1:30 AM, Chris Angelico <> wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 7:17 PM, Gregory Ewing
> <> wrote:
>> sjud9227 wrote:
>>> Doesn't
>>> assigning seconds/(60*60) mean that calculating 6*hours will give me 6
>>> hours
>>> in seconds?
>> No, it's giving you 6 seconds in hours. (That should
>> give you a clue as to what you should have done
>> instead. :-)
>> ...
>>   a // b gives the quotient of dividing a by b
>>   a % b gives the remainder
>> (I recommend using '//' rather than just '/', because
>> in some versions of Python, a/b does floating point
>> division even if a and b are both integers, and that's
>> not what you want here.)
> OP is using 2.7.6, so short of a __future__ directive, that won't
> actually give 6 seconds in hours (though it will try to), and // is
> unnecessary.
> ChrisA
> -- 


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