On 2014-02-02 16:11, David Hutto wrote:
price_per_book = 24.95
discount = .40
quantity = 60

The original problem says:

Suppose the cover price of a book is $24.95, but bookstores get a 40%
discount. Shipping costs  $3 for the first copy and 75 cents for each
additional copy. What is the total wholesale cost for 60 copies?

discounted_price = (1-discount) * price_per_book

The discounted price should be price_per_book - discount

No, the discount of 0.40 is 40%, not 40 cents.

shipping = 3.0 + (60 - 1) * .75
shipping should be, I think, should be 3.0 + (quantity  * .75)

No, the shipping is 75 cents starting from the second copy.

total_price = 60 * discounted_price + shipping
replace 60 with quantity (quantity * discounted_price) + shipping

print total_price, 'Total price'

total_price gives:
945.45 Total price
and just 24.55(price per book - discount is ) * quantity is $1473 without the 
shipping, so the total is way off already:

I think the following is what you're looking for:

price_per_book = 24.95
discount = .40
quantity = 60
discounted_price = price_per_book-discount
shipping = 3.0 + (quantity*.75)
total_price = (quantity * discounted_price) + shipping
print 'Total price: $%d' % (total_price)
Total price: $1521


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