Ok, sorry, you are right Robert.

What about this one:

class Parser(object):
    def toParser(p):
        if type(p) == str:
            if len(p) == 1:
                return lit(p)
            return txt(p)
        return p
    toParser = staticmethod(toParser)

This is meant to translate p to a parser if it's not one.
'lit' is a function that take a string of length 1 and return a parser of char.
'txt' is a function that take a string of any length and return a parser.

I hope it is a better example!
That one of the rare case I used static method in Python...


On 7/12/05, Robert Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Cyril Bazin wrote:
> (sorry, my fingers send the mail by there own ;-)
> Im my opinion, class method are used to store some functionalities
> (function) related to a class in the scope of the class.
> For example, I often use static methods like that:
> class Point:
>     def __init__(self, x, y):
>         self.x, self.y = x, y
>     def fromXML(xmlText):
>         x, y = functionToParseXMLUsingMinidomForExample(xmlText)
>         return Point(x, y)
>     fromXML = staticmethod(fromXML)
> Here, it is used to define some kind of second constructor...
> Note that class decorator can simplify the notation, but break the
> compatility with older Python...

Huh? classmethod was introduced with staticmethod, and in fact, this use
case is exactly what classmethods are for, not staticmethods.

In [2]: class Point(object):  # <-- note inheritance from object
    ...:     def __init__(self, x, y):
    ...:         self.x, self.y = x, y
    ...:     def fromXML(cls, xmlText):
    ...:         x, y = parseXML(xmlText)
    ...:         return cls(x, y)
    ...:     fromXML = classmethod(fromXML)

In [3]: class NewPoint(Point):
    ...:     pass

In [4]: def parseXML(xmlText):
    ...:     return 1, 4

In [5]: p = NewPoint.fromXML('<point x="1" y="4"></point>')

In [6]: isinstance(p, NewPoint)
Out[6]: True

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter



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