Find a new release of python-ldap:

python-ldap provides an object-oriented API to access LDAP directory
servers from Python programs. It mainly wraps the OpenLDAP 2.x libs for
that purpose. Additionally it contains modules for other LDAP-related
stuff (e.g. processing LDIF, LDAP URLs and LDAPv3 schema).

Project's web site:

Ciao, Michael.

Released 2.4.14 2014-01-31

Changes since 2.4.13:

* Added ldap.controls.openldap.SearchNoOpControl
* New method ldap.async.AsyncSearchHandler.afterFirstResult()
  for doing something right after successfully receiving but before
  processing first result
* Better log data written when invoking ldap.LDAPLock.acquire() and
* LDAPObject and friends now pass `desc' to ldap.LDAPLock() which
  results in better logging
* ldapobject.ReconnectLDAPObject now uses internal class-wide
  lock for serializing reconnects
* Method signature of ReconnectLDAPObject.reconnect() changed to be able
  to call it with separate retry_max and retry_delay values

* Added support for retrieving negotiated TLS version/cipher
  with LDAPObject.get_option() with the help of upcoming OpenLDAP libs


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