Ayushi Dalmia <ayushidalmia2...@gmail.com> Wrote in message:
>> getsizeof() gives you the size of the list only; to complete the picture you 
>> have to add the sizes of the lines.
>> However, why do you want to keep track of the actual memory used by 
>> variables in your script? You should instead concentrate on the algorithm, 
>> and as long as either the size of the dataset is manageable or you can limit 
>> the amount of data accessed at a given time you are golden.
> As I said, I need to merge large files and I cannot afford more I/O 
> operations. So in order to minimise the I/O operation I am writing in chunks. 
> Also, I need to use the merged files as indexes later which should be loaded 
> in the memory for fast access. Hence the concern.
> Can you please elaborate on the point of taking lines into consideration?

Please don't doublespace your quotes.  If you must use
 googlegroups,  fix its bugs before posting. 

There's usually no net gain in trying to 'chunk' your output to a
 text file. The python file system already knows how to do that
 for a sequential file.

For list of strings just add the getsizeof for the list to the sum
 of the getsizeof of all the list items. 



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