On Sunday, February 2, 2014 4:16:44 PM UTC-5, Charlie Winn wrote:
> Hey Guys i Need Help , When i run this program i get the 'None' Under the 
> program, see what i mean by just running it , can someone help me fix this
> def Addition():
>     print('Addition: What are two your numbers?')
>     1 = float(input('First Number:'))
>     2 = float(input('Second Number:'))
>     print('Your Final Result is:', 1 + 2)
> def Subtraction():
>     print('Subtraction: What are two your numbers?')
>     3 = float(input('First Number:'))
>     4 = float(input('Second Number:'))
>     print('Your Final Result is:', 3 - 4)
> def Multiplication():
>     print('Multiplication: What are two your numbers?')
>     5 = float(input('First Number:'))
>     6 = float(input('Second Number:'))
>     print('Your Final Result is:', 5 * 6)
> def Division():
>     print('Division: What are your two numbers?')
>     7 = float(input('First Number:'))
>     8 = float(input('Second Number:'))
>     print('Your Final Result is:', 7 / 8)
> print('What type of calculation would you like to do?')
> Question = input('(Add, Subtract, Divide or Multiply)')
> if Question.lower().startswith('a'):
>             print(Addition())
> elif Question.lower().startswith('s'):
>             print(Subtraction())
> elif Question.lower().startswith('d'):
>             print(Division())
> elif Question.lower().startswith('m'):
>             print(Multiplication())
> else:
>         print('Please Enter The First Letter Of The Type Of Calculation You 
> Would Like To Use')
> while Question == 'test':
>         Question()

I don't know why people bother trying to help you, when it is YOU that has a 
******* rude attitude.

You are asking the wrong question to begin with because the posted code could 
have NEVER given you the stated output.

Most of us here are noobs and those that are not, were noobs once; so we all 
can deal with noobs, but none should have to deal with a*******holes.

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