Le mercredi 5 février 2014 16:23:01 UTC+1, Ned Batchelder a écrit :
> On 2/5/14 9:41 AM, wxjmfa...@gmail.com wrote:
> > If you put the FSR on the table.
> > I think I have a very correct vision of what Unicode
> > should be and*is*. (*)
> > I belong to those who know that latin-1 is unusable for
> > more than ten European languages based on latin scripts.
> > Today, one can add German to these.
> > No offense, you are still stuck and living in
> > the ascii world. (The recent byte string discussion
> > was very informative on that subject).
> >
> > Writing that the FSR does not suit my needs seems to me
> > a little bit exagerated. You should have more concerns
> > about something like "ReportLab" than about my (jmf) software.
> >
> > (*) Luckily, that's already the case for the users using
> > serious tools.
> We've been over this too many times already, and we won't be discussing 
> it with you again.
> -- 
> Ned Batchelder, http://nedbatchelder.com

I agree.
(but I was a little bit provocated)


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