Hi guys, I'm using Python 2.7.5 64 bits and I have a problem when importing 
libraries that were installed via PIP when importing them inside Eclipse 
(version 4.3.1). Outside Eclipse (directly in Python's shell) everything works 
fine, here is an example:

>>> import numpy                             # installed from repositories
>>> from numpy import array
>>> import pybrain                           # installed via PIP
>>> from pybrain import Network

Everything works outside Eclipse. But inside Eclipse I can't import libraries 
installed via PIP using "from x import y" format, it will give an error. The 
only way I can import libraries installed via PIP is using "import x" format. 
Here is an example:

import numpy                                     # no errors (installed from 
from numpy import array                          # no errors
import pybrain                                   # no errors (installed via PIP)
from pybrain import Network                      # gives the error below

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/media/arquivos/pybrain_import_test.py", line 4, in <module>
    from pybrain import Network
ImportError: cannot import name Network

I suspected it could be related to virtualenv, but here is a print screen 
(http://imageshack.com/a/img534/4307/3x0m.png) of my Python's PATH. The 
directory /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages where PyBrain is installed is 
already in Python's PATH inside Eclipse. Could someone help me, please?

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