On Saturday, February 15, 2014 10:32:39 PM UTC+5:30, Roy Smith wrote:
> Steven D'Aprano :
> > > Object identity is simple and well-defined in Python. I don't know why
> > > you are so resistant to this. Read the documentation.

> Marko Rauhamaa 
> > It is not defined at all:
> >    Every object has an identity, a type and a value. An object’s
> >    identity never changes once it has been created; you may think of it
> >    as the object’s address in memory. The ‘is‘ operator compares the
> >    identity of two objects; the id() function returns an integer
> >    representing its identity.

> The "you may think of it as the object's address in memory" part is 
> misleading, and should be removed from the docs.  While it's true that 
> you may think of it that way, such thinking just leads you to make 
> assumptions which are not universally true.

> I agree with Marko that this is not a definition.  It's a collection of 
> random statements about ids, their use, and some misleading philosophy.  
> Even the part about "... compares the identify of two objects" is kind 
> of funky, since it implies that you do indeed have two objects!

> A definition would be:

> "The identity of an object is an integer which never changes during the 
> lifetime of the object, and which is guaranteed to be distinct from the 
> identities of all other objects with overlapping lifetimes.  A given 
> identity may be reused for objects with disjoint lifetimes".

> That (I think) says everything is which is guaranteed about identities, 
> and nothing more.  Once you've defined what an identity is, then you can 
> go on to describe some fun things you can do with it:

Thanks! -- Nice to hear slightly more philosophically astute attempt than
the naivete going around: "Object?! We all know whats an object!
Everyone knows whats an object!!"

However I am betting that the problem remains. Youve transfered the identity 
question into the lifetime.

Now define object-lifetime without reference to identity :-)

[Incidentally same applies to Ian's attempt at reducing identity to creation]

Just staying with 'lifetime' and the original meaning from which this word
was analogized. (Allegorized?)

I am supposed to be about 50 years old.
What exactly does that mean?
The cells in my body recycle every few months -- couple of years if we add bones
The molecules that make up those cells are as old as the universe.

What exactly does that 50 refer to?

> "The id() function returns the identity of an object.  The 'is' operator 
> compares the identities of its two operands and returns True if they are 
> the same."

Thats good -- 'is' in terms of 'id' -- better than the obfuscation and
prevarication of the other way round. Only the name id is misleading -- it
should be machine-id or some such.

Consider these examples:

Two graphs are the same if they have the same no of vertices and
there is a mapping f from one vertex set to the other such that
vw is edge in graph1 iff f(v)f(w) is edge in graph2.

For a mathematician such an identity is unexceptionable
The only catch is that implementing such an identity requires
finding the f and that is NP complete.

Even worse...
Two functions f and g are the same (from a math pov)
if ∀ x y . f(x) = g(y)

Now I define
def f(x) : return x+x
def g(x) : return 2*x

If a python (or any such) implementation could 'solve' 
f==g ∀ f,g, it could also 'solve'
f == h
where h is
def h(x) : return h(x) 
which is the halting problem

The meaning of identity is very dependent on framing and has
no 'single' 'obvious' 'most natural' answer.
Given that we are (hopefully!) programmers, a machine-oriented framing seems 

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