On Thu, 20 Feb 2014 14:46:35 +0200, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:

> I would imagine there would be dozens of "branches" in the interpreter
> if the latest interpreter were to support all past Python dialects (as
> it should, IMO).

Well thank goodness you're not in charge of Python's future development. 
That way leads to madness: madness for the core developers (if you think 
maintaining Python 2 and 3 branches is hard imagine maintaining *dozens* 
of them, *forever*), madness of the programmers using the language, and 
madness for anyone trying to learn the language. It's hard enough for 
newbies to deal with *two* dialects, 2 and 3. And you want to introduce 
dozens. Thanks, but no thanks.


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