On 28/02/2014 21:03, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
"Mark H. Harris" <harrismh...@gmail.com>:

Yep, my point exactly.  nice illustration.

So now, for you and me: let's compare.

     if key is ast.Assign:
         return ' '.join(dump(t) for t in node.targets)
     elif key is ast.AugAssign:
         # Same target and same operator.
         return dump(node.target) + dump(node.op) + "="
     elif key is ast.Return:
         # A return statement is always compatible with another.
         return "(easy)"
     elif key is ast.Expr:
         # Calling these never compatible is wrong. Calling them
         # always compatible will give lots of false positives.
         return "(maybe)"
         # These ones are never compatible, so return some
         # object that's never equal to anything.
         return float("nan")

vs (my proposal):

     with key from ast:
         if Assign:
             return ' '.join(dump(t) for t in node.targets)
         elif AugAssign:
             # Same target and same operator.
             return dump(node.target) + dump(node.op) + "="
         elif Return:
             # A return statement is always compatible with another.
             return "(easy)"
         elif Expr:
             # Calling these never compatible is wrong. Calling them
             # always compatible will give lots of false positives.
             return "(maybe)"
             # These ones are never compatible, so return some
             # object that's never equal to anything.
             return float("nan")

Which do *you* find more readable?



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