On 03/01/2014 05:11 PM, Scott W Dunning wrote:

On Mar 1, 2014, at 11:03 AM, Susan Aldridge <susanaldridge...@gmail.com> wrote:
Try this

def guess1(upLimit = 100):
    import random
    num = random.randint(1,upLimit)
    count = 0
    gotIt = False
    while (not gotIt):
        print('Guess a number between 1 and', upLimit, ':')
        guess= int(input())
        count += 1
        if guess == num:
              print('Congrats! You win')
              gotIt = True
        elif guess < num:
              print('Go up!')
              print('Guess less')
    print('You got it in ', count, 'guesses.')

Thanks Susan!  The only problem is he wants us to do it without loops because 
we haven’t learned them yet. I need to use the variables and function names 
that he’s given as well.  I think I can make sense of what you wrote though so 
that should help me a bit.

Another 'problem' is what you failed to mention in your post, but is apparent from the instructions that you posted -- this assignment is NOT the complete program, just the beginning of one. Your instructor obviously wants you to work on (and understand) this program fragment before continuing with the rest of it.

     -=- Larry -=-


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