On 10/03/2014 21:57, Terry Reedy wrote:
I'd like to be able to serve the rest of the web api using a pyramid
wsgi app if possible, and I'd like to be able to write the things that
process requests in and validation out in a synchronous fashion, most
likely spinning off a thread for each one.

If you are writing 'standard' blocking, synchronous code, I am not sure
why you would use any of the above.

The idea I have is to do all the networking async based on a declarative set of messages in and recording all messages out and then hand that set of messages off to a syncronous layer to make assertions, record into a database, etc.

The protocols are all financial (do we really not have a pure-python FIX
library?!) but none are likely to have existing python implementations.

How should I pick between the options? What would people recommend and

I know nothing of tornado. I personally would use asyncio over twisted
if I could because it is simpler, in the stdlib, has the option to write
'untwisted' non-blocking code similar to blocking code, and the docs
easier for me to read.


Guess I was expecting more of a response. I suspect I'll just end up cross-posting to the various mailing lists, which I hope won't cause too much offence or kick off any flame wars.

I'm faced with a difficult choice that I suspect many in our community are, just trying to find out how to make the best decision :-)


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