On 28/03/2014 6:56 AM, Sells, Fred wrote:
The idea is to use a nice clean syntax like Python to define form content, then 
render it as HTML but only as a review tool for users,  The actual rendering 
would go into a database to let a vendor's tool generate the form in a totally 
non-standard syntax that's really clunky.

Class  FyFormNumber001(GeneralForm):
        Section1 = Section(title="Enter Patient Vital Signs")
                Question1 = NumberQuestion(title="Enter pulse rate", 
                Question2 = Dropdown(title="Enter current status")
                Question2.choices = [ (1, "Alive and Kicking"), (2, "Comatose"), (3, 
"Dead"), ...]

Is there anything out there that would be close or do you have any suggestions.

Are you familiar with z3c.form?


Given that it's part of the Zope web framework, it's fairly heavily geared towards working with HTTP requests, but it's quite possible to only use the parts that want. For your requirement, you could probably get a long way with using zope.schema for defining the forms, and then customising some of the templates to render them appropriately. The provided widgets are easily extensible, so adding support for the vendor form syntax - possibly as additional templates alongside the HTML ones - should be doable.


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