
I really like your approach but when do you actually get connected??
You never call the method connect?

> class NSCLdap(object):
>      def __init__(self,
>                   server="sc-ldap.nsc.com",
>                   baseDN="o=nsc.com",
>                   who=None,
>                   cred=None):
>          self.server = server
>          self.baseDN  = baseDN
>          if who is None:
>            self.who = ""
>          else:
>            self.who = who
>          if cred is None:
>            self.cred = ""
>          else:
>            self.cred = cred
>          self.connection =  None
>      def connect(self):
>          try:
>              print "LDAP Version", ldap.__version__
>              self.connection =  ldap.open(server)
>              self.connection.simple_bind_s(self.who, self.cred)
>              self.connection.protocol_version=ldap.VERSION3
>          except ldap.LDAPError, error_message:
>              # I would not catch this. It's the caller's
>              # responsabilitie to handle this  IMHO
>              print >> sys.stderr, "Couldn't Connect to %s  %s " %
> (server,error_message)
>      def search(self,
>                 baseDN=None,
>                 searchScope=ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
>                 retrieveAttrs=None,
>                 searchAttrs="cn=*klass*" ):
>          cnx = self.connection
>          if baseDN is None:
>            baseDN = self.baseDN
>          try:
>              ldap_result_id = cnx.search_s(baseDN,
>                                            searchScope,
>                                            searchAttrs,
>                                            retrieveAttrs)
>              result_set = []
>              while True:
>                  result_type, result_data =cnx.result(ldap_result_id, 0)
>                  #if (result_data == []):
>                  if not result_data:
>                          break
>                  ## here you don't have to append to a list
>                  ## you could do whatever you want with the
>                  ## individual entry
>                  ## The appending to list is just for
>                  ## illustration.
>                  if result_type == ldap.RES_SEARCH_ENTRY:
>                      result_set.append(result_data)
>              print result_set
>          except ldap.LDAPError, error_message:
>              print  >> sys.stderr, "Errors on Search %s " % error_message
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>      truc = NSCLdap()
>      truc.search()


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