On Apr 2, 2014, at 1:03 AM, Josh English <joshua.r.engl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a program with several cmd.Cmd instances. I am trying to figure out 
> what the best way to organize them should be.
> I've got my BossCmd, SubmissionCmd, and StoryCmd objects.
> The BossCmd object can start either of the other two, and this module allows 
> the user switch back and forth between them. Exiting either of the 
> sub-command objects returns back to the BossCmd.
> I have defined both a do_done and do_exit method on the sub-commands.
> Is it possible to flag BossCmd so when either of the other two process 
> do_exit, the BossCmd will also exit?
> Josh

I am anything BUT a super experienced Python programmer, but if it were my 
problem - and if BossCmd has anything like an event loop in it, then certainly 
one way to handle this would be to have a Status.py module that contained 
status flags for each of the modules.  All three modules would "import status” 
and do_done and do_exit would set status flags in status.py on their way out.

I’m sure there are better answers.  I’ll be interested to see what else is 


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