On Apr 14, 2014 11:46 AM, <wxjmfa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I will most probably backport two quite large applications
> to Py27 ("scientific data processing apps").

These applications are already on Python 3? Why do you want them on Python
2? Even the people talking about a 2.8 are only seeing it as an upgrade
path to Python 3.

> It's more a question of willingness, than a technical
> difficulty. Then basta.
> Note: cp1252 is good enough. (latin1/iso8859-1 not!).

Because cp1252 includes that holiest of holies, the Euro sign, I assume.

Point of curiosity: if the first 256 codepoints of Unicode happened to
correspond to cp1252 instead of Latin-1, would you still object to the FSR?

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