Thanks John and others,

Replies much appreciated. I don't know how it could affect the results, but the 
function being tested is using redis. And I am running the test code under 
PyCharm, so perhaps using the module-level random number generator wasn't such 
a good idea. Live and learn.

In response to your question, John, all I know is that my own code doesn't use 
the random module outside of this code fragment.

Ned, thanks for the tip about creating a new instance of Random(). The test 
failures are still happening when the stockbins are randomised (as in code 
below.) That is suggesting that my code is somehow at fault.

Peter, I am using PyCharm as I said. But using a new Random() object to 
generate the sequence doesn't solve the problem apparently. The code now looks 
like this:

            rnd = random.Random()
            for qty in [4, 0]:
                for cart in range(test_size):
                    for special in range(rnd.randrange(3)):
special_id=rnd.randrange(test_size), special_qty=qty,
products=[(rnd.choice(PRODUCTS), rnd.choice(range(10)))
                                                              for r in 



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