"I was wondering about the differences with the referred libs and
Since the documentation isn't so thorough(and a bit because of my
laziness), I thought I'd make request for usage accounts etc. stating
the pros and cons of the aforementioned. Any notes would be

RDFLib is a thinner layer, more of the raw API.  4RDF adds in Versa
query, a graph visualization tool, and multiple back ends.  However,
for the longest time the idea has been to merge the strengths of the
two packages (big example: rdflib's parser is up to the latest round of
specs.  4RDF's is not).  As part of a client project I've actually
begun the process of replacing 4RDF's parser with rdflib's in 4Suite (a
separate add-on until the 4Suite 1.1. branch emerges).

I'd say for now if you just need quick RDF parsing, and you're not also
using plain XML, and stuff like Versa RDF query language aren't
important to you, you'll get along just fine with rdflib.



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