On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 7:24 AM, Dave Angel <da...@davea.name> wrote:
> mikejohnrya...@gmail.com Wrote in message:
>> Hello,
>> Is there a Python tool or function that can register two images together 
>> (line them up visually), and then crop them to the common overlap area?  I'm 
>> assuming this can probably be done with Python Imaging Library but I'm not 
>> very familiar with it yet.
>> Any help or advice is appreciated!
>> Thanks!
> Without some context I'd call the problem intractable.  I've done
>  such things using Photoshop to insert elements of one image into
>  another.  But even describing an algorithm is difficult,  never
>  mind trying to code it.

Well, fortunately there are known algorithms already:

> If I had such a challenge,  I'd probably use Pillow, but not till
>  I knew what subset I was solving.

I don't think Pillow has any support for registration.  I'd probably
start by looking for Python bindings of a library that does handle it,
like ITK.  Searching for "itk python" turns up a number of results.

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