I would like to automate some simple browser navigating using python. 
Ideally, I would like a package like pyexpect, but that can handle a 
browser in much the same way as pyexpect handles a terminal (tall 
order!). In short, I want a macro language for a browser (I know about 
the commercial packages such as Easy Bee and Internet macros, but I want 
  more programmability and less cost!)

ClientForms goes in the right direction. Can Grail be scripted (easily)?

What is the best way to run a browser with python? Python would have to 
be able to fill in forms, send them off, click links, and so on. I don't 
really care which browser it is.

Apparently, commandline python scripts can control IE.

Not sure where to find examples....

Any suggestions?

(I found the following remark:

A different flavor of client-side Python scripting is that Mark 
Hammond's [ref] hard work has made possible. Internet Explorer (and WSH 
[give ref]) support(s) ActiveScripting [ref] languages, including 
Python. Thus, as Gilles Lenfant enumerated in private correspondence:

     * Command-line Python scripts control IE (but equally well through 
COM [ref]);
     * Client-side scripts interpret Python embedded in HTML as well as 
they do JavaScript [ref];

     * "you can write 'hta' applications with full-featured Python (use 
of IE5 for GUI)"

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