In article <>,
 flebber <> wrote:

> Roy.that is interesting that you can use mongoengine. 
> Recent google results such as seem to assert there are a lot of inherent risk 
> in swapping out components, though I may be misinterpreting it. 

I wouldn't take every slideshow I find on the net as gospel.  There is 
risk in doing anything.  The only slide I find of much value in that 
deck is 22, but that's pretty much a requirement anyway.  Most of the 
rest is just fear mongering.

FWIW, we don't use any third-party packages, and we don't use the admin.  
If those things are important to you, then I agree, swapping out the ORM 
will be interesting.  Mostly what we use from django are the middleware 
framework (we write a lot of our own middleware), url parsing, and view 

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