In article <>,
 Tim Chase <> wrote:

> On 2014-05-17 12:52, Albert van der Horst wrote:
> > Now translate E=mc^2 into Java.
> I suspect it would be something like
> public class Einstein  {
>   private double mass=0, energy=0;
>   public class Relativity implements IEquation {
>     Relativity(double mass) {
>       set_mass(mass);
>     }
>     public double getEnergy() {return energy;}
>     public double setEnergy(double newEnergy) {
>       energy = newEnergy;
>       mass = newEnergy / (units.SPEED_OF_LIGHT * units.SPEED_OF_LIGHT);
>     }
>     public double get_mass() {return mass;}
>     public double setMass(double newMass) {
>       mass = newMass;
>       energy = newMass * (units.SPEED_OF_LIGHT * units.SPEED_OF_LIGHT);
>     }
>   }
>   public static void main(String[] args) {
>     Relativity relativity = new Relativity(
>       Integer.parseInt(args[1])
>       );
>     System.out.println(relativity.getEnergy())
>   }
> }
> (untested, as it has been a long time since I've touched any Java code)
> -tkc

Not good enough.  Einstein should really be a singleton, so you need 
something like an AbstractScientistFactory, which implements Singleton.  
And you really should be importing 
org.universe.physics.constants.  And you need to declare that 
Einstein.getEnergy() raises NumericValueOutOfBoundsError if mass is 
negative (and FlatEarthError if the code is run in certain states south 
of the Mason-Dixie line).

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