On Tue, 27 May 2014 08:33:42 +0100, animalize81 <animaliz...@gmail.com> wrote:

Home-use smart router is more and more popular.

If <Python Software Foundation> embeds Python into such router, and develops a framework that has the following features:

1, allow power-down at any time
2, dynamic domain name
3, local storage support (SD cards or Hard Disk)
4, telnet server

Then we can create micro private server on it.

Still can't see the full prospect, but it may be a great platform for people's imagination.

I think Python is very suitable for such role.

Have you met the Raspberry Pi?

Seriously, since many such "smart routers" are Linux boxes, there's a good chance there is already a Python interpreter installed and your list of other demands is already met. It's certainly the case in the boxes I work on, and we do use Python for bits of system scripting. We *don't* use Python for application writing because speed and space constraints are usually quite tight, which generally means coding in C for preference (despite my boss's attempts to force me to use C++).

Rhodri James *-* Wildebeest Herder to the Masses

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