On Sat, 31 May 2014 13:09:45 +0200, Johannes Bauer <dfnsonfsdu...@gmx.de>

>On 31.05.2014 12:07, Steve Hayes wrote:
>> So I bought this book, and decided that whatever version of Python it deals
>> with, that's the one I will download and use.
>This sounds like remarkably bad advice. That's like saying "I bought a
>can of motor oil in my department store and whatever engine that is good
>for that's the car that I'll buy and put into!"

No, it's a bit like flying in a Boeing 747 rather than a Concorde. The latyer
may be later and more technically advanced and flew faster, but no one uses or
supports it. 

>> The book is:
>> Cunningham, Katie. 2014. Teach yourself Python in 24 hours.
>>                Indianapolis: Sams.
>>                ISBN: 978-0-672-33687-4
>>                    For Python 2.7.5
>> I'll leave Python 3.2 on my computer, but 2.7.5 will be the one I'm 
>> installing
>> now. Even if I could *find* a book that deals with Python 3.x, couldn't 
>> afford
>> to but yet another Python book. 
>Lucky for you 2.7.5 isn't all that different from Py3 and most of it
>will apply. You'll be missing out on a bunch of cool features (arbitrary
>precision ints, int division operator, real Unicode support) but that's
>no big deal.

I'm prepared to forgo whatever advantages those may have to avoid the
frustration of example code not working and not knowing why. 

Steve Hayes from Tshwane, South Africa
Web:  http://www.khanya.org.za/stevesig.htm
Blog: http://khanya.wordpress.com
E-mail - see web page, or parse: shayes at dunelm full stop org full stop uk

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