On 2014-06-25 22:58, celati Laurent wrote:

I coded this following python script via psycopg;


1/ When i execute it, the result is 'bad resquest'. Could you tell me why?

2/ Could you tell me how to protect this script from SQL injections please?

In answer to question 2, don't insert the values into the query string
as you're doing here:

selectString = "SELECT ST_AsText(geom), cult_lib FROM rpg WHERE ST_Intersects(SELECT ST_GeomFromText('POINT(%s %s)',2154), rpg)" % (x, y)

Instead, use the placeholder %s in the query string to indicate where a
values should go and then pass that query string and a tuple of the
values to the .execute method:

selectString = "SELECT ST_AsText(geom), cult_lib FROM rpg WHERE ST_Intersects(SELECT ST_GeomFromText('POINT(%s %s)',2154), rpg)"

    cur.execute(selectString, (x, y))

The database engine will insert the values itself, safely.

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