> Just add Scripts to path (not Scripts/nuitka), > and it should run nuitka.bat. I would guess that > the one without an extension is a Unix shell script > of some sort; have a look at it, see if it's a text > file that begins "#!/bin/sh" or similar. Most likely > the file sizes of nuitka and nuitka.bat will be > similar - of the order of hundreds of bytes, even, > as they're probably just invoking Python.
I tried that, and it still gives me the same message. This is the Windows path, right? In it, among other paths, I have: C:\Python27\Scripts\ (or without the last "\" also, though it should not matter, right?) The nuitka file starts with #!C:\Python27_32\python.exe and is a Python script. It says in a docstring, """" This is the main program of Nuitka, it checks the options and then translates one or more modules to a C++ source code using Python C/API in a build directory compiles it to either an executable or an extension module that can contain other modules. """ I'm confused as to why it's not just a .py file. The nuitka.bat, aside from some remarks, is this: @echo off setlocal "%~dp0..\python" "%~dp0nuitka" %* endlocal -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list