On Tuesday, July 15, 2014 3:27:15 PM UTC+9, Omar Abou Mrad wrote:
> Dear Orakaro,
> Cool app you have there. Please consider the following comments as feedback 
> in the most positive sense possible:
> - I didn't care for the figlet, it's noise beyond anything else, if you drop 
> it, you would drop the pyfiglet dependency as well
> - What's with the SQLAlchemy dependency? I checked your table definitions and 
> if I'm not mistaken all you're using is Theme, Message, Tweet. My first 
> question on that front is why are message and tweet stored locally? Are you 
> doing local caching to speed things up? What about theme?
> Good job and take care!
> Regards,
> Omar
> On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 9:00 PM, Orakaro <nhatm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm @dtvd88 on Twitter and very new here.
> I read from python.org that anything Python-related can be discussed, and not 
> sure if I can share my OSS package here to get feedback or not ?
> I just wrote a Twitter Client on Terminal by Python, it has very beautiful 
> display and even can display image on terminal. Check it out and maybe you 
> guys will love it :)
> Homepage: http://www.rainbowstream.org/
> Github: https://github.com/DTVD/rainbowstream
> Thanks for any feedback and sorry if this kind of topics is not tolerated 
> here.
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Hi Omar.
Thanks about the feedback. 

- The ascii art character... seems interesting to some people and not to 
others. Maybe I should add a config option for ignoring it.

- I used 2 python process, ones handle the streaming API, ones listens to 
user's input as well as executes REST API and they need to share some 
variables. After tried ctypes, SyncManage or Queue, I found out that a database 
solution is easier and less buggy. So SQLAlchemy exists.

  - I only store Tweet and Message ID (not the content) locally and delete all 
when program exit. The reason is Twitter API's Tweet/Message ID is too long for 
user to type a command like "rep 489242568104095234 also like it!". In DB 
Tweet/Message ID is a small number which map 1-by-1 to the "real" Tweet/Message 

  - 2 process need to know the new theme when user type a command to change 
their current theme. So Theme exists in DB.

Sorry for the long reply. Hope that there is a smarter solution and thanks very 
much again


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