On 7/17/2014 3:22 PM, Emile van Sebille wrote:

I imagine those that would be in a position to improve idle don't see
the point of it.  IMO, idle was never intended as a production
development editor but more as an extensive example of gui programming
with python.  Yes, you _can_ use it to edit, and there are nice python
hooks, but I doubt that anyone with the skills to enhance idle actually
uses idle.

That is something of a problem as people 'graduate' to multi-language environments. However, while I have programmed in about 20 languages during my lifetime, I have now 'contracted' to using only Python (except for the occasional .bat file). So I use Idle to work on both my own stuff and on fixing Idle. When I notice an issue while working on an issue, I file a new issue.

Terry Jan Reedy


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