On Thu, 17 Jul 2014 20:13:44 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:

> On 7/17/2014 2:15 PM, Rick Johnson wrote: a partial disinformation rant
> again Idle that repeats things said before, more than once.

Thanks for the detailed explanation Terry, and especially thanks for the 
good work you have done on IDLE. I'll admit I don't use it, I dislike the 
UI, but given all the solid work you and the GSOC students have put into 
it, perhaps I ought to check it out again soon.

> Still more facts ;-). About three (four?) years ago, you posted a
> similar rant. Being wise, I encouraged your participation and utilized
> the patch you anonymously posted on the tracker (to maintain your
> Ranting Rick pose) in one of my first commits.

Well well, I must admit I am shocked to learn that Rick has actually 
written some Python code.


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