
I typically write a Python 2.7 string function in my library like this:

def getCompletedTime(start, end): return "Time completed:", str(end - start)

And called it like this:

    print getCompletedTime(start, end)

Since every Python script I write is executed from the command line, I rewrote the string function like this:

def getCompletedTime(start, end): print "Time completed:", str(end - start)

And call it like this:

    getCompletedTime(start, end)

The first version is what I'm familiar with having reluctantly learned Java at community college, which couldn't afford a Microsoft site license for Visual C++ and taught every class in Java. (The Linux instructor rebelled against this policy by teaching basic C/C++ and shell scripting in his classes.) I recently read an article that Python is replacing Java as a teaching language.

The second version is more straight forward but seems less readable (i.e., "print getCompletedTime(start, end)" vs. "getCompletedTime(start, end)") from the calling script.

Alternatively, I thought about rewriting the string function to accept an extra parameter to do either and default to the print statement.

    def getCompletedTime(start, end, type = 'p'):
        string = "Time completed: " + str(end - start)
        if type == 'p':
            print string
            return string

I'm curious as to what the proper Python style would be for this.

Thank you,

Chris Reimer

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