"Lucas Raab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Peter Hansen wrote:
> > Kay Schluehr wrote:
> >
> >> The documentation of the Python console behaviour is not correct
> >> anymore for Python 2.4.1. At least for the Win2K system I'm working on
> >> 'Ctrl-Z' does not shut down the console but 'Ctrl-D' etc.
> >>
> >> The Python interpreter tells me instead:
> >>
> >>
> >>>>> quit
> >>
> >>
> >> 'Use Ctrl-Z plus Return to exit.'
> >>
> >> Nah, 'Ctrl-Z' is now undo :-)
> >
> >
> > Are you really using the console, started with the "Command Prompt" icon
> > from the Start Menu (or some equivalent)?  And are you sure you haven't
> > installed something else that magically changed the behaviour of Ctrl-Z?
> >
> > (I get the documented behaviour with Python 2.4.1, under Win XP.)
> >
> > -Peter
> I'm getting the same behavior as Kay.
> -- 
> --------------------------
> Lucas Raab

I'm getting the same behaviour, too.
What is non-standard is, that I am using english
international keyboard on German version of
Windows 2000 Professional 5.0.2195 SP 4,
Build 2195.



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