On Thu, 24 Jul 2014 22:44:51 -0400, Dave Angel wrote:

> fl <rxjw...@gmail.com> Wrote in message:
>>  I am puzzled about the last part of your code and want to learn
>> from it ("   * " " + "*"   ").
> 6 * " " + "x"
> will produce a string of 6 blanks followed by an x.

Dave is correct, but if you want to format text to a certain width, it is 
better to have Python count how many spaces you need:

py> 'spam'.rjust(20)
'                spam'
py> 'spam'.ljust(20)
'spam                '
py> 'spam'.center(20)
'        spam        '

In recent versions, you can even specify the fill character:

py> 'spam'.center(20, '.')


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