On Saturday, August 2, 2014 10:38:28 PM UTC+8, Nicholas Cannon wrote:
> So i have a basic calculator program and i have a label that i want to go 
> across the top to show the numbers and stuff like on a normal calculator. The 
> only way i can make the buttons look neat and then when i keep pressing one 
> the label gets larger and then half the buttons move out of the screen. I 
> cant seem to fix this i have tried columnspan, columnconfigure and heaps of 
> other stuff and non works it always expands. is there a way i can stop the 
> grid from expanding?

Ok so I have just started out Tkinter and I feel I should study more of it 
because some of the code given is quite intimidating to me right now. Also I 
have only been coding python for 3 months right now. I think I need to learn 
how to write python better haha. I appreciate the help guys.

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